The manufacturer delivers the toys in rectangular cardboard boxes as standard. The beautiful, perfectly flexible toys look trapped in the sterile white box. We knew we had to convince the client that packaging for a yoga toy required a completely different approach. That we needed to show the possibilities of the toy, its dynamics, its mission. We started thinking about how to present the toy in motion - more precisely in bending :-)
The resulting packaging takes the form of a shaped cut-out of corrugated cardboard into which the toy fits precisely and is fixed in a predetermined position. The toys are produced in two versions. For children from 6 years of age with internal wire reinforcement and for smaller children without reinforcement. The packaging designs corresponded to this. The toy with reinforcement is sold as a didactic tool for yoga practice and its packaging takes the form of a box with an outer sleeve made of transparent polypropylene. The toy for younger children is packaged in an open blister with a sleeve bearing the toy's name.The flexibility of the toy is emphasized by printing around it. "Easy to bend", "Easy to bend" says Jogi and Samaba. We wanted children and adults alike to want to pick up the toy - and play!
Packaging products in a blister pack with a shape die-cut is understandably more time-consuming than simply putting a toy in a box. Even so, folding the blister and fixing the toy is a matter of seconds. Packaging made from regular cardboard with a one-colour print is not expensive and the toys look just great in it.For Jogi and Salamba we also created a sales catalogue, a sales display, designed t-shirt printing and office decorations.
Perhaps every child longs to doodle on freshly painted walls. We painted the ground floor of the Vinohrady apartment building, where Salamba and Jogi live, and added decorations cut out of brown, jigsaw cardboard. Fun for the big kids from Graphite studio. The toys were given their own tree house and also a little sun to practice the Sun Salutation every morning.
Lali Yoga
Packaging design
Tomas Buble