


web design in the cloud


#visual style

Cloudfield is in heaven! The new visual style and website for the cloud integrator is all in the clouds. The website for Cloudfield is based on SVG animations. Their goal is to add interactivity to the presentation and, most importantly, to visualize the abstract, technical world of cloud services for users. The goal of the project was to create an easy to remember and original user experience.
cloudfield logo

web design

The web as one big interfaceWe needed to create a design that would make the complex IT world visually accessible to the user, where you will come across phrases like "Containerization inherently includes an orchestration platform...". We visualised cloud services as one big interface with switches, buttons and controls. The whole web is such a vision of a "cloud control machine". The individual switches and controls here serve as large, animated icons that give the abstract cloud an almost tangible 3D character.

cloudfield website on multiple devices
cloudfield man using a mobile phone with cloudfield website open

web for cloudfield

The web for Cloudfiel is full of clouds. While we enjoy parallax effects and various scrolling-dependent animations, we always try to use them sparingly so that we can guarantee reasonable loading speeds. The site is of course responsive and optimized so that most of the effects can be enjoyed by mobile users.

cloudfield website on imaccloudfield website on mobile devicescloudfield website on multiple devices

client's opinion

Graphite can capture the spirit of the company and the product with its design, even before we have it firmly in our hands. He approaches his work with the precision of a craftsman and adds the imaginative quality of art. Thanks for that!

Pavel John

product manager








Art Director

Tomas Buble


Matt Mitacek

UI Design

Matt Mitacek


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interior design with love

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