


design for prosperity



Prosperity is a financial services company, insurance, mortgages, loans... The design we've come up with goes straight to the core. Inspired by graphs of revenue and performance, it is a minimalist expression of prosperity.
white prosperity t-shirt
prosperity interior design
prosperity billboard on tram station
prosperity exterior branding
prosperity logo

prosperity is for

This brand is kind of different, really variable. The geometric logotype can be reduced to the abbreviation "pro" as well as to a separate symbol "p", which has a rich use in visual communication and marketing. Not to mention the great animation possibilities.

for communication

Zábavné, že... Celému designu od loga po web dalo naše grafické studio jasnou vizuální linku, jasné sdělení. Design funguje dobře vizuálně, ale silná stránka tohoto brandu je zejména v marketingové komunikaci. Předložka "pro" zastupuje značku, ale je také součástí marketingových sloganů.

coffee mug with prosperity logo
prosperity poster with man in blue suit
prosperity credit cards
properity paper folder
logo options prosperity
prosperity car branding
prosperity poster with woman in pink suit
prosperity golden and silver pens
man in a blue suit

simple idea

Simple ideas are usually the best. A clear visual shortcut works better than a complex design. A simple idea for a clear, memorable brand. Simply Prosperity.

prosperity billboard





Financial Services


Visual identity

Art Director

Tomas Buble


Klára Maršíčková


Mariia Reshetova, Erika Cardová, Martina Podoláčková, Františka Rychtaříková


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identity for the robot

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